Recent Salmonella Outbreak Linked To Hedgehogs, Finds CDC

To prevent infection, the CDC advises hedgehog owners to take precautionary measures to avoid contact with Salmonella.

Salmonella Outbreak Linked Hedgehogs

On Friday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued a warning to pet owners that the recent Salmonella outbreak has been linked to hedgehogs. The agency has warned pet owners to take precautionary measures in order to prevent infection.

According to the CDC, 17 people, across 11 states, have fallen sick with Salmonella Typhimurium.

The CDC analysis of 15 infected people has found that 13 of them have reported close contact with a hedgehog. However, a common supplier of the hedgehogs has not been identified.

So far, two people have been hospitalized with the infection and no deaths have been reported.

The CDC explains that the Salmonella bacteria is often found in the small mammal’s feces, which can end up on the bodies of those who come in close contact.

To prevent Salmonella infection, the CDC has recommended hedgehog owners to take certain safety measures to avoid close contact with the bacteria, such as:

  • Do not kiss or snuggle a hedgehog, as it could bring the bacteria directly on to your face and mouth
  • Make sure you always wash your hands thoroughly after handling a hedgehog
  • Do not let your pets roam freely in areas where food is stored or prepared
  • Clean items from the hedgehog’s enclosure outside your house, especially well removed from your kitchen

Typically, signs and symptoms of Salmonella include fever, diarrhea, and stomach cramps, which you may notice 12 to 72 hours after getting exposed to the bacteria. Salmonella infection may last four to seven days; however, most people recover without any specific treatment. In some cases, doctors prescribe antibiotics to subside the symptoms of Salmonella.