Coronavirus Outbreak Kills 25 in China, One Suspected in Texas

    The WHO named the new, mysterious Wuhan coronavirus virus “2019 nCoV.”


    As many as 25 people have been killed due to the ongoing coronavirus outbreak that started in Wuhan, according to China’s National Health Commission.

    The total number of confirmed cases of the deadly coronavirus has increased to 830.

    On Friday, South Korea has confirmed a second patient to be infected by the virus, while Japan has also confirmed another case. Also, there have been cases reported in the United States, Thailand, Vietnam, Taiwan, and Singapore.

    Temporarily named “2019-nCoV” by the WHO, the virus belongs to a family coronaviruses, which is contagious and can be transmitted from person to person.

    The WHO said the outbreak has not yet constituted a global public health emergency.

    WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus said, “Make no mistake, this is, though, an emergency in China. But, it has not yet become a global health emergency. It may yet become one. The outbreak is very high-risk in China, and high-risk regionally and globally.”

    Meanwhile, Brazos County health officials have been investigating a suspected case of the 2019-nCoV who is a student from Texas A&M University. The student traveled from Wuhan where the coronavirus has originated and might have contracted the infection.

    The student reported upper respiratory symptoms and is no kept quarantined at home as a precaution.

    On Thursday, all Texas A&M students were notified of the possible case through an email.

    Brazos County health department said specimens have been sent to the CDC and the results are expected on Saturday at the earliest.

    If the test is positive, the health officials will track down the people who have come in contact with the student. The new coronavirus causes a deadly respiratory illness, which the WHO says can cause symptoms such as a fever, cough, and shortness of breath. In advanced cases, it can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure, and even death.