3-Year-Old Boy From Columbus Dies Due To Flu

“It’s an unfortunate situation and I want to remind people you often don’t die from the flu, you die from complications of the flu.”

3 Year Boy Dies Due To Flu

A 3-year-old boy from Columbus died due to flu. It is the first local flu-related pediatric death of the 2018-2019 flu season and the fourth flu-related pediatric death in Ohio.

Dr. Mysheika Roberts, Health Commissioner of the Columbus, said the investigating has been going. “It’s an unfortunate situation and I want to remind people you often don’t die from the flu, you die from complications of the flu,” said Dr. Roberts.

The health commissioner added, “So it’s very important that we think about what we call our most sensitive groups that should be protected from the flu by making sure they get the vaccine. Those are children, older adults and those with lung disease whether that’s asthma, COPD and those with compromised immune systems.”

Dr. Matthew Washam, the director of Epidemiology at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, has said that there are a few warning signs of a serious influenza infection. “For younger kids, if they’re not taking a lot of liquids by mouth and having a decreased number of wet diapers, that’s reason to go to the emergency room or call their pediatrician or physician,” Dr. Washam said.

He also explained that there a few signs of respiratory distress or fatigue, which can indicate a more serious problem. However, he said most children could weather influenza with no real complications.

Dr. Washam said, “Most kids have a reasonably mild infection. It still causes fevers. It still causes body aches, muscle pains, coughing, runny nose, and congestion. It’ll certainly make kids feel bad but most kids, the vast majority of kids can recover at home with fluids with rest. It’s really a small percentage of children who require hospitalization due to influenza.”

Over the last few weeks, flu activity has increased and public health officials have been encouraging anyone who is six years and above to get a flu shot if they did not get one.

Flu vaccines are available at Columbus Public Health, FrankIin County Public Health, healthcare providers, and retail pharmacy outlets.

Along with the flu shot, it is recommended washing your hands thoroughly, covering your cough and sneeze, and staying home if you are sick in order to prevent flu. Signs and symptoms of flu include fever, chills, cough, sore throat, body pain, headaches, and fatigue.