Creed II Actor Michael B. Jordan’s Desert Workout Looks Hellacious

“It's old school, but there's no school like the old school as they say.”

Michael B. Jordan's Desert Workout

Rocky films are no stranger when it comes to back-to-basics training that includes punching slabs of beef in a meat locker and doing hill sprints in the snowy Russian rural areas. But the one who has seen Creed II will know that Adonis Creed, played by Michael B. Jordan in Creed II, has taken it to entirely new levels of training.

Sylvester Stallone’s Rocky of Creed’s desert hellscape said, “Since you’re going back to hell, you might as well get used to it. In fact, so hellish, so excruciating, so painful was Creed’s training, that MH had to give it a go. Hell, this is what we do.”

Zane Irvine, boxing coach and former Royal Marines Commando programmed the workout.

He said, “It’s old school, but there’s no school like the old school as they say. That’s why they go back to it in Rocky and Creed because it is the best form of training. No matter how much science and everything else they put into it, there’s nothing like coming down here and putting yourself in a deep, dark place and lifting some heavy stuff.”

Look at the workout below:

The Warm-Up

The warm-up had six exercises and each exercise was held for 30 seconds, which include:

  • Squat Hold
  • Arm Assisted Squat Hold
  • Squat jumps
  • Press-ups
  • Straight leg bear crawl
  • Walking lunge with a twist

The Workout

All exercises in the workout were performed for 30 seconds, followed by 30 seconds of boxing, and 30 seconds of either cardio or abs work. It includes seven rounds, which were completed twice. They include:

Round 1: Farmer’s Walk

  • 10 meter Farmer’s Walk
  • 30 seconds of pad work
  • Burpees

Round 2: Tire Flip

  • 30 seconds of tire flips
  • 30 seconds of pad work
  • Sit-ups

Round 3: Tire Smash

  • 30 seconds of tire smashes with a gym hammer
  • 30 seconds of pad-work
  • Mountain climbers

Round 4: Sandbag Carry

  • 10m Sandbag carry
  • 30 seconds of pad-work
  • Burpees

Round 5: Hand-Over-Hand Sled Pull and Sled Drag

  • Hand over hand sled pull followed by a sled drag
  • 30 seconds of pad-work
  • Sit-ups

Round 6: Prowler Sled Push

  • Prowler sled push
  • 30 seconds of pad-work
  • Mountain climbers

Round 7: Log Clean and Press

  • Log clean and press
  • 30 seconds of pad-work
  • 30 seconds on an assault bike

The Finisher

The hardest yet coolest move in the Creed II desert-training scene was the moment when Jordan puts his foot in a tire and receives punches after punches to the gut from another fighter, a legitimate technique that boxers have used to make the nerves in the abdomen less sensitive. Michael B. Jordan’s Creed II Workout is quite tough and it is designed to take you to hell and back. Obviously, receiving blows to the abdomen hurts. You also have to consider how hard it has been to keep punching and hitting pads at the round five.