Do You Really Need To Follow A 12-Hour Workout Like Daniel Craig Does?

51-year-old Daniel Craig is said to be working out for 12 hours a day.

12 Hour Workout Daniel Craig Doess

What it takes to look like James Bond? A 12-hour workout? Well, if you want to look like James Bond, there is no need to follow Daniel Craig’s 12-hour workout plan.

You will certainly get a variety of answers when you ask how long it takes to look like James Bond. For Sean Connery, the answer was, “Basically no time at all.” For Roger Moore, the answer was, “58 years” as it was the precise amount of time to become the witness of the glorious moment when he seduced Grace Jones.

If Daniel tries to answer this question, he would say it for up to 12 hours a day. Reportedly, he is set to do it by working out for up to 12 hours a day, at the age of 51 years.

Daniel’s exercise regime is probably not a good idea as the unavoidable endpoint of a dismal cycle of Hollywood exercise competition. Creed II actor Michael B. Jordan reportedly worked out all day, every day, for approximately four to five months to get the desired body shape for his movie. Southpaw fame Jake Gyllenhaal had been working out six hours a day.

Daniel Craig has come to the end of this by stating that he worked out for 12 hours a day.

So, do we really need to work out for maximum time of the day? Or, is it a good choice to go with 12 hours a day? We have tried to answer the question in this article.

Well, it depends on what he was doing. It is possible to work on getting your Dempsey roll perfect for maximum amount of time in a day without over-training, just like a film’s stunt team.

It is possible to have a workout done for 12 hours at a push. Look at the ultra-distance marathon runners – how they manage to run for several hours continuously? They usually stop for the short-term of naps and the infrequent gel-wrap or piece of brie. The recruits in the United States Navy have to stand for longer hours with end-less pressing-ups and they need complete the obstacle courses with smallest span of sleep.

In the CrossFit Games, people training for the title of ‘Fittest Man/Woman on Earth,’ often have to train three to four times every day. Even the Olympic weightlifters have to train two times in a day.

Let’s understand the challenge behind such rigid workout.

All these people have to follow this regime only for performance and not the looks. There has been a widespread controversy about how much training duration is ideal for actual muscle building. While discussing on this, some say that testosterone levels drop off after one hour or so, whereas others say that is not the case. In reality, the top bodybuilders train for up to two hours a day.

Certainly, you can burn more body fat by making use of a treadmill for a couple of hours a day, along with the required amount of daily work out. But, how Daniel is managing all that anyway? The secret behind his tough looks is not his sheer physical grunt but also the self-confidence; he always tried to give his perfect shot in spite of physical imperfections. So, if anyone wants to be a bit more like Bond, it must come from the inner strength and not 12 hours a day workout.