Hollywood Publicist Nanci Ryder Gets Immense Support at ALS Fundraiser Walk

“Her disease has progressed, and she hasn’t spoken in about almost four years.”


To support Hollywood publicist Nanci Ryder’s fight against ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), her longtime friends Renée Zellweger, Courteney Cox and Dam Scott participated in the annual fundraiser walk, wearing “Team Nanci’s” T-shirts.

ALS is one of the progressive neurodegenerative diseases affecting nerve cells or neurons in the brain and the spinal cord.  

Nanci Ryder served as the spokesperson for some of the biggest celebrities over the years. In 2014, she was diagnosed with ALS, which took her ability to speak and move.

Ryder, who is unable to speak and move, made an appearance and shared private moments with Zellweger and Cox, who addressed a large crowd of supporters in the battle against ALS.

Zellweger told PEOPLE, “Her disease has progressed, and she hasn’t spoken in about almost four years.”

“It’s just run its course as it does, but she’s leveled out and hanging in there, and her joy for life remains the same,” continued Zellweger. “Any time something new shows up that seems insurmountably difficult, she moves the goalpost. And to stand by her, and all of us here today to show up in support of her, it’s the least we can do.”

“I walked over to her and I said, ‘Listen, I know they’ve been sending you my pictures, and I know they’ve been telling you hello from the various places in the world, and I know you’re mad at me because I’ve been gone for way too long,’” she added. “No expression. And I said, ‘I know that what you’re really telling me right now is that I can go f*** myself.’ And she giggled. A quiet, wry smile climbs across her face. Yes — that’s my girl!”

Cox said, “It’s hard to get her to smile and it means the world. It’s not fair to place something on a smile, but when you do get a smile from Nancy, it’s the best feeling in the world.”

“It’s hard because the communication isn’t what it used to be. When she first was diagnosed I was kind of able — she would let me in on the highs and the lows and the emotions and where she was. And it was really special and I was glad to be there to see and hear exactly what was going on with her,” continued Cox. “And she was always so strong. And now it’s harder to communicate and it’s sad. It’s sad. So I just really, all I want to do is just let her know that I love her and I’m here.”

Explaining that she is glad to help Ryder, Cox said, “It’s just about making sure people talk about it, raise awareness, raise funds, and just keep fighting it because there’s just a lot more work to do, although they’re making great strides. You’ve just got to not give up.”

Zellweger added, “It makes such a difference in the lives of the people who are navigating the disease and their families who are trying to find a way to help to support them. It’s invaluable, certainly. And as it gets bigger and bigger, and more people show up, we get the word out. I mean, one thing leads to the next, and the science is propelled forward, and that’s what we need.”

“Honestly, I can’t say enough about the importance of contacting and becoming part of that community,” continued Zellweger. “When Nancy was diagnosed, we didn’t know what to do. I was calling stem cell science and research in Korea, in Israel, in Germany — I mean, all over the world. And when you find the ALS Association you see, ‘Oh, no, they’re on top of that. They’ve already done all that.’ They’re doing that, and anything that is viable in terms of available treatment and science, they are on top of, and they can help to facilitate your access to that.” “I was hoping she would come to the premiere, but it’s just logistics are a little challenging, and she would get a little tired from all the noise and the people and everything. So I’ll get her a screener and she’ll have it,” said Zellweger.