Jessica Cornish, known by her stage name Jessie J, revealed her experience with  Meniere’s disease, which left her “completely deaf in my right ear” and unable to “walk in a straight line.”

The 32-year-old English pop singer first opened up about her condition on December 24, on Instagram Story, writing she had gone to the hospital to address the issue.

She wrote, “It could be way worse, it is what it is. I’m super grateful for my health. It just threw me off. I’m glad I went early and they worked out what it was real quick and I got put on the right medicine.”

In another post, Jessie said, “When I sing loud, it sounds like there’s someone trying to run out of my ear,” and that her “ear sounds like someone crawled in and turned a hairdryer on.”

On December 26, she posted an Instagram video of herself singing and appearing to be out of the hospital.

Meniere’s disease is a disorder of the inner ear that can lead to dizzy spells (vertigo) and hearing loss, according to Mayo Clinic. In most cases, Meniere’s disease affects only one ear.

The disease can occur at any age, but it usually starts between young and middle-aged adulthood, says Mayo Clinic. It’s considered a chronic condition, but various treatments can help relieve symptoms and minimize the long-term impact on your life.

In another post, Jessie wrote, “I am now watching Queens Gambit with my finger in my ear. I’ve done the first episode 4 times because I zero focus and my ear sounds like someone crawled in and turned a hair dryer on.” Wishing Merry Christmas, she advised her fans to “wear a mask and be careful out there,” adding, “we have to work together to get through this and WASH those mince pie crumbs covered hands.”