Senator Ted Cruz and other Republican senators have come together to ban an abortion pill.

On Wednesday, Cruz wrote on Twitter, “Pregnancy is not a life-threatening illness, and the abortion pill does not cure or prevent any disease. Make no mistake, Mifeprex is a dangerous pill. That’s why 20 of my Republican colleagues and I are urging @US_FDA to classify it as such.”

This has happened after Cruz’s Texas and other states reduced abortion clinic access over the past several months, promoting United Nations humans rights experts to accuse states of “manipulating” the pandemic for the pro-Life cause.

And Cruz has been doing nothing to discourage that appearance. He signed a letter along with 20 GOP lawmakers, asking the FDA to remove an abortion pill from the market because of its “imminent hazard to the public health” that poses a “significant threat of danger.”

Unlike what Cruz claims, women still die during childbirth and/or suffer severe harm due to pregnancy.

In the United States, 700 deaths are attributed to childbirth each year, while another 50,000 women suffer from lasting and severe harm, according to an investigation carried out by USA Today.

The investigation further noted, “Black women in the U.S. are more than twice as likely to die during childbirth” while basing that finding upon CDC data.

So this clearly indicates that Cruz’s tweet does not stand up to scrutiny. Twitter users have criticized Cruz’s claims with plenty of statistics, including the number of deaths caused by Viagra compared to Mifeprex.

One user named Holly Figueroa O’Reilly tweeted, “Death from Mifeprex 2000-2018: 24. Deaths from Viagra 1998-2007: 1,824. Shut the f*** up, Ted. Also, maybe tell the 14,000 women who have died in childbirth in America the last 20 years that pregnancy is not life-threatening.”

So, in short, Cruz and Viagra have started to trend side-by-side, leading to many Viagra comebacks, jokes, and gross-out reactions.

“When Ted Cruz takes Viagra, he gets taller,” tweeted one.

The Advocates for Youth tweeted, “Things that are more dangerous than the abortion pill (Mifeprex): Viagra, Tylenol, Hydroxychloroquine, Ted Cruz.” Even American voice actor Ron Perlman tweeted, “Pregnancy isn’t a disease but pretty sure Ted Cruz is.”