Shift Work Linked To Depression and Poor Mental Health

“This disruption can make people moody and irritable, and lead to social isolation…”


According to a new study published in the American Journal of Public Health, people who do shift works that affect their sleep are at risk of developing mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety, than those who do normal or routine jobs.

The study looked at seven studies and analyzed the work schedules and mental health of more than 28,400 participants.

Researchers found that overall, shift workers were 28 percent more likely to have mental health issues than those who have consistent routine work schedules.

Lead study author and researchers at the University of Exeter Luciana Torquati said, “We know that shift-work alters the circadian rhythm that is our normal sleep-wake cycle which matches day-night cycle.”

“This disruption can make people moody and irritable, and lead to social isolation as shift-workers time-off matches family and friend’s work and life commitments,” said Torquati.

In particular, the researchers found that shift workers were 33 percent more likely to develop depression than those who did normal or routine jobs. Also, they found that shift workers had a greater risk of developing anxiety; however, the difference was very small.

The study found that women were more vulnerable to mental health issues caused by shift work than men were. Women who worked split or night shifts were 78 percent more likely to have poor mental health. However, men did not have an increased risk of psychological issues when they did night or split shifts.

Please note that the study was not conducted to prove how work shifts directly affect mental health.

The findings of the study suggest that employees or workers should be aware of the potential risks associated with irregular work schedules.

“Your brain is programmed to sleep during night hours (absence of light) to recover from all the information it has processed during the day,” said Torquati. “Conversely, daylight tells your brain it’s time to be awake and process information.”

The lead author added, “With shift-work, you turn this cycle upside down: process information & being awake at night, sleep during the day, and this means that body functions that follow such cycle are disrupted. This disruption of functions can result in irritability, nervousness, depressed mood, and ultimately mental disorders.” She explained that shift work is one of the possible causes of poor mental health. Torquati advised people to seek help if they suffer from symptoms such as depression or mood disorders.