Stephanie Hollman Reveals She Is Back On Antidepressant Drugs

“I’m hoping to release my shame of being back on antidepressants and to not have it all figured out. I just want to reclaim my life.”


Stephanie Hollman, along with D’Andra Simmons and Mary Brittingham, talked about physical and mental healing on Wednesday’s episode of “The Real Housewives of Dallas.”

The 38-year-old said, “I’m very grateful to be here. I don’t know, I feel like I’m just searching right now, honestly… for more happiness maybe, within myself. That’s what my intention is — just to release a little bit.”

“I have felt very depressed on this trip,” she continued. “I’m hoping to release my shame of being back on antidepressants and to not have it all figured out. I just want to reclaim my life.”

Last week, LeeAnne Locken opened up about her mental health struggles, including her past suicide attempt.

Hollman told Brandi Redmond, “I feel a little off on this trip (Mexico). I don’t know why, I’m going to be honest. I feel like you’re a security blanket for me. It was really heavy yesterday, I’m not going to lie. Like with LeAnne and her story, that s*** is in my head and I start thinking about it. It’s f*** up.”

The mother of two was seen visibly upset. She said, “Every 30 seconds someone commits suicide and it’s something you just don’t talk about because you’re having a bad day. I do feel triggered by it. It’s very depressing. It’s a sensitive topic for me. It makes me think about my own suicide attempt and depression, and I don’t like that.”

Last year, Hollman revealed that she attempted suicide when she was 22.

She tearfully said, “I was with a guy who didn’t make me feel like a worthy person. I never felt pretty enough, I never felt good enough. I was always judged. We broke up and it was like, I lost my friends. And I just couldn’t handle it.”

“I remember going to the bathroom and finding a bottle of pills. And I remember taking them all, laying down in my bed,” recalled Hollman. “My mom was home, so I stumbled into her room and told her what I had done, and then she called the ambulance.” Hollman was asked about the reason why she puts on a happy face and hides what is actually going on with her. She responded, “Because people don’t like to be around people who don’t make them feel good. Nobody would want to be my friend if I was honest about what I deal with. Like, all the time. I wouldn’t have any friends.”