Best Nootropics 2019 – Are Smart Drugs Safe?

Nootropics are smart drugs that are known to work on your brain to boost cognitive function.


The internet has been buzzing a lot about nootropics nowadays and more and more people are using them to supersize their intelligence and boost their cognitive abilities.

The word “nootropic” has come from the Greek words “nous” means mind and “trepein” means to bend or turn. Romanian scientist, Corneliu Giurgea, coined the term nootropic in 1972, who invented an early cognitive-enhancing drug called Piracetam.

Also called smart drugs, nootropics are believed to work on your brain to enhance your cognitive function. They are known to boost your memory, focus, concentration, motivation, creativity, attention, alertness, and even happiness. Smart drugs can be natural or synthetic substances preferred widely to boost your mental performance.

What do researchers say?

Dr. Barry Gordon from Johns Hopkins Medicine said there is no strong evidence that supplements containing nootropics sold for their cognition-boosting effects are helpful. “It’s not clear that they work and not clear that they’re safe,” said Dr. Gordon. Also, he is a bit skeptical about the working of nootropic agents.

Chris D’Adamo from the University of Maryland’s Center for Integrative Medicine believes smart drugs have some potential to offer you an edge; however, he does not think they will give you superhuman abilities.

What are the types of nootropics?

According to WebMD, D’Adamo said almost everybody uses a nootropic. Well, he is actually talking about caffeine, a natural stimulant that improves thinking skills and concentration. He explained that caffeine helps with learning and short-term memory because it has access to your brain chemical or neurotransmitter called acetylcholine.

However, people are thinking out of the box and are not interested in sticking with coffee. They are reaching out to supplements containing ginseng, gingko, CDP-choline, creatine, L-theanine, Bacopa monnieri, etc. Other types of nootropics include smart drugs such as piracetam, modafinil, armodafinil, adrafinil, and amphetamine.

According to, the 14 best nootropics (smart drugs) include:

  1. Caffeine
  2. L-theanine
  3. Creatine
  4. Bacopa Monnieri
  5. Rhodiola Rosea
  6. Ginseng
  7. Ginkgo Biloba
  8. Nicotine
  9. Noopept
  10. Piracetam
  11. Phenotropil
  12. Modafinil
  13. Amphetamine
  14. Methylphenidate

According to the Nootropics Markets 2019 Global Industry Research Report, people are expected to spend more than $11 billion on smart drugs by 2024. In 2015, it is estimated that people have spent more than $2 billion on nootropics. As with many supplements, the FDA does not regulate supplements containing nootropics or smart drugs. So, if you have decided to use any nootropic agent, bet it natural or synthetic, you must first check with your doctor in order to determine whether they are safe for you.