Four-Step Workout To Boost Male Erectile Health

Erectile Dysfunction and Premature Ejaculation are the most common sexual problems experienced by millions of men around the world.

Workout To Boost Erectile Health

Worldwide, more than 150 million men have some degree of Erectile Dysfunction (ED), while up to one in three men suffers from Premature Ejaculation (PE).

Millions suffer from these problems in the bedroom from time-to-time. It is normal to get overexcited and struggle with attaining or maintaining a robust erection. In fact, medical experts estimate that up to one in three men has experienced PE.

Dr. Sarah Jarvis, clinical director of told The Sun, “We don’t know precisely how many men have it because embarrassment stops many of them from seeking medical help, but it may be up to a third of men. It can have a huge impact on confidence and often affects relationships, and can even lead to depression. In fact, I often see men coming in for the first time to talk about it when it has led to the break-up of a relationship.”

But just because they are a common issue, that does not mean that you cannot do anything about them. Men’s Health has come up worth a four-step workout plan for strengthening erections and gaining control over ejaculations. Three are for ED and one is for PE.

Hindu Press-Up: 10 times

Hindu press up

Sometimes, it could be a bit hard on your arms and shoulder while performing missionary, so Hindu press-up will help you to sustain in that position for a longer period.

  • Stand by keeping your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart
  • Bend and place your both the hands on the floor, keeping your legs and arms straight
  • Now dive your upper body towards the floor in slow motion, bend backward and straighten your arms, looking upwards
  • Repeat it for at least 10 times

Front squat: 5 to 10 times

Front squat

Squats are the best full-body moves that help to tighten the core, the glutes, as well as the pelvic muscles.

  • Stand by keeping your feet shoulder-width apart, hold a weight up to the chest
  • Push your hips back and bend your knees to lower your weight, make sure you keep your weight in your heels and not the toes
  • Now drive your heels into the floor to push yourself back up

Hip Thrusts: 3 sets, 10 reps

Hip Thrusts

We all can do with some more thrusting practice, right? Hip thrusts are also beneficial for women. In fact, it is one of the moves that Victoria’s Secret models often do.

  • Sit on the ground with your shoulders resting on the bench
  • Hold your weight on the upper thigh and keep your arms straight
  • Bend to touch your hips down to the ground
  • Hinge back up, leaning back onto the bench, now keep hips in the air
  • You must feel this in the hips and in the backs of the legs

Kegels: 3 sets, 30 reps – 3 to 4 times a week

Kegels for Premature ejaculation

Kegel exercises are not only for women but also for men. Every man should be doing Kegels, irrespective of whether you have any issues or not. Everybody can benefit from stronger pelvic muscles. Apart from strengthening erections, Kegels can help treat and prevent premature ejaculation.

  • Squeeze the muscles you use to stop a stream of urine
  • Hold that contraction for up to two seconds and then release

Dr. Jarvis explained that there are several easy lifestyle hacks, which can help reduce your chances of PE, including using a condom, changing position, trying the start-stop method, and practicing a squeezing technique.