Indiana Pharmacies Dealing With High-Dose Flu Vaccine Shortage

Walgreens, Payless and CVS have been struggling with flu vaccine shortage.


Several drugstores in the West Lafayette, Indiana, have been dealing with a shortage of the high-dose flu vaccine, which is especially advised for people who are above 65.

The high-dose flu vaccine gives older people a better immune response, protecting them from severe flu, according to the CDC.

CVS, Walgreens and Payless along Sagamore Parkway have been lacking the supply. However, CVS and Walgreen have some flu vaccines in their stores. Indiana University (IU) Health, a non-profit healthcare system, has confirmed, “They do not have a shortage of the vaccine.”

A pharmacist at Payless said the store has “quickly went through the small supply they were given.” It is unclear why the pharmacies have been facing a shortage.

Registered Pharmacist Sarah Kennedy at IU Health said the flu could be dangerous for older people.

“The most at-risk groups for the flu are babies and the elderly,” said Kennedy. “However, everyone can be affected by the flu. They do see deaths in children all the way up to the elderly.”

She added, “Everybody six months and older needs to get a vaccine this year. Hopefully it will prevent you from getting the flu and will lessen your symptoms if you do contract the flu this year.”

The pharmacist said it is too soon to tell how severe the flu season would be this year, but she cautioned that it is better to be prepared and take the flu shot because the last year’s flu season was severe. The CDC and the FDA monitor all production of the vaccine, and they try to be proactive in curbing the spread of the disease.

Kennedy continued, “They [CDC and FDA] look and see what they’re expecting from other parts of the world and piece together three or four different vaccines into the (main) vaccine so that hopefully they catch what’s going to be the most problematic for the year.” The IU Health pharmacist noted that Indiana has already reported a few cases of flu. “October is the prime month to get your flu shot,” said Kennedy.