Jenna Jameson Recommends Keto Diet for Weight Loss

Following Keto diet helped the American actress, Jenna Jameson to lose 80 lbs


The American film actress, Jenna Jameson wants to share certain tips that helped her to lose 80 lbs following a keto diet. She has been dieting for more than a year. She started dieting to lose the baby weight she had gained after giving birth to her daughter Batel Lu in April 2017.

Keto diet helped her to lose about 80 lbs. Since then this 45- year old American actress, has become a strong supporter of the diet, and on Wednesday she made a list of diet tips for her followers and keto beginners.

Tip 1: Begin your keto diet by cleaning your refrigerator

Get rid of all the processed foods that are high in carbohydrates and sugar. Several foods contain sugar under various names, high fructose corn syrup being most commonly used.

Tip 2: Go shopping!

Shop for the foods that are beneficial for your body. My first suggestion for grocery shopping is to shop the perimeter and not the isles.  The foods that are beneficial to your body consist of green leafy vegetables, wild salmon, grass-fed steaks, eggs, and real butter.

Tip 3: Involve people

Involve all your family members and discuss your lifestyle alterations with them. Every one of you can benefit from it! I frequently make a side of brown rice or pasta for my infant. If your significant other is not willing to participate, tell them to respect your needs and wants and to not try to break your determination.

Tip 4: Have a positive approach

Have an optimistic outlook! Give your full attention to the way you are treating your body now and be pleased!

Tip 5: Consistency is the key

Do not give up. Be consistent in your efforts. This will have a positive impact both on your mind as well as your body.

Tip 6: Stay motivated

Search for things that help you to stay motivated. You can follow fellow Keto kings and Queens on IG. @ketoguido is my favorite.

Tip 7: Be patient

Patience is the key. Every individual’s body is different.  So, it will react differently.

Tip 8:  Allow your body to acclimatize to its new lifestyle

Do not get afraid after hearing the word #ketoflu, maintain electrolytes level, salt your food and take enough rest. The keto flu is nothing but a group of flu-like symptoms that few people may suffer when their body starts to adjust to the keto diet. As per Healthline, these tips generally persist for a week.

Tip 9: Do not assume

Stop assuming things. If you are not aware of a certain thing ask. Google is your buddy! Just Google it.

Tip 10:  Always keep your eyes open

Always keep your eyes open and read labels! You’ll be astonished to see how many food items hide potato starch. It is imperative to talk to your physician before starting a keto diet, as there lack of adequate research on whether following a ketogenic diet is healthy in the long run.