A male enhancement pill, which is sold as a dietary supplement, has been recalled after it was found to be tainted with undeclared erectile dysfunction (ED) drug sildenafil (Viagra).

The product called, Red-E, which was sold on Protein Shoppe LLC, as a dietary supplement for men to enhance their sexual health.

Sildenafil, the active ingredient of Viagra, is recommended for the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

Red-E was sold online at rgvproteinshoppe.com as a male enhancement supplement, not a medication, which could pose a risk to someone who has an underlying medical condition or inadvertently takes an undeclared drug such as sildenafil, which is a prescription drug.

The company said on the FDA website, “For example, PDE-5 inhibitors may interact with nitrates found in some prescription drugs (such as nitroglycerin) lowering blood pressure to dangerous levels that is [sic] life-threatening and could result in serious adverse health consequences.”

Sildenafil could potentially bring down your blood pressure to a dangerous level if taken along with nitrates or alpha-blockers. 

You should not use the product and return it to the point of purchase if you have bought this product.

If you have any queries, you can contact The Protein Shoppe by phone at 956-687-3539 or email at theproteinshoppe@yahoo.com. In recent years, many other supplements sold as male enhancement pills and libido enhancers have been recalled for containing undeclared sildenafil and other ED drugs like tadalafil.