Keto Diet Does Help Shed Those Extra Pounds, But Is It Healthy?

The latest fad diet that people are trying to lose weight promptly is the “Keto Diet.” Although it helps, many have a doubt whether it is safe in the long run.

Keto Diet Help Shed Extra Pounds

When it comes to shedding those extra pounds, people often seem to follow the latest diet called keto diet. Over years, we have seen people following some of the most popular diets such as the Atkins, the Paleo, the Zone, and the Dash diet. But, now, there is something new – the keto diet.

Jarrett Williams, Montgomery resident, who has been hitting the gym for years but failed to notice any difference in his waistline, said, “I knew I worked out six days a week and I knew I wasn’t losing weight, something was wrong. I’m sure this has happened to a lot of us.”

Williams saw a picture of himself and realized that he had to do something different to get rid of the visceral fat.

He said, “My work put a photo on Facebook of us just dong activities at work. I knew I weighed 227 pounds but didn’t realize what I looked like at 227 pounds.”

He talked to one of his friends about the Keto diet and decided to try it approximately six months ago.

After following the keto diet, Williams said, “It has completely changed everything. I have more energy. I think clearer. I look better. I feel better.” He has lost nearly 70 pounds and says he feels like a new man.

What exactly is the Keto diet and how does it work?

Almost similar to the Atkins diet (low-carb), the keto diet consists of 60 to 75 percent fats, 15 to 30 percent proteins, and five to 10 percent carbs. It is basically calculated after considering your age, weight, and how physically active you are.

Pamela Green, a nutritionist at Baptist Health, said, “When you don’t eat a lot of carbs you have to switch to burning fat. Fat produces ketones, which puts a body in ketosis. Ketosis, not only is it weight loss, but it also suppresses your appetite.”

Instead of burning carbs, you burn fat and the results can come promptly if you continue to follow the keto diet. However, this raises a million dollar question – is it healthy?

The nutritionist says there are a few things you should keep a watch on. She explains that too much protein can be dangerous for people with kidney disease and too much fat can be dangerous for people with heart disease. She urges people to seek medical advice before considering the keto diet.

Green mentions that, right now, the long-term effects of the keto diet are idiopathic and there are other ways to eat healthily and lose weight. “A good meal plan to me is one that has all the food groups in it, and balance so you get all the nutrition,” the nutritionist said.

In the case of Williams, the keto diet worked wonderfully well because all of his blood works looked great and checked with his doctor.

Williams added, “I didn’t realize how much I had to lose and how good it feels to be back at my college weight.”

“The red flag for me is when a diet eliminates an entire food group. People just can’t do that for very long.” Green added. The bottom line is – do your research well and check with your doctor if you want to consider the keto diet for losing weight.