Erectile Dysfunction: Millions of Brits Too Embarrassed To Seek Help

“Talking to your doctor or other healthcare professionals about some health topics can be hard.”


Many people in Swindon, England, are too embarrassed to get medical help and suffer in silence, which puts them at risk. More than 50 percent of people in the town are known to suffer from erectile dysfunction, depression, and urinary incontinence and are too shy to discuss with their doctors.

According to Pharmacy 2U, more than 20 million Brits, who could potentially put themselves at risk, do not seek medical help. And the conditions include erectile dysfunction, depression, urinary incontinence, vaginal discharge, hemorrhoids, and thrush.

In Swindon, more than 28 percent of people have diagnosed themselves with their problems – thanks to the internet. They have not seen a doctor to get their conditions diagnosed.

“Talking to your doctor or other healthcare professionals about some health topics can be hard,” said Dr. Sarah Bruen, the clinical chair of Swindon Clinical Commissioning Group.

She added, “Things like sex, vaginal discharge, incontinence, bleeding from the bottom, memory problems or depression may feel embarrassing to discuss, but doctors see patients with these issues every day and are very happy to discuss them with their patients.”

“They are trained to deal with sensitive issues and to be aware of the different needs and cultural backgrounds of the people in their care. Talking with your doctor about your sensitive issue will help you get the care you need,” continued Dr. Bruen.

Dr. Bruen, who is also a part-time General Practitioner (GP), said, “It is important to remember that whilst symptoms like bleeding from the bottom can be due to hemorrhoids it can also be due to more worrying conditions like bowel cancer so it is important to see a doctor.”

Jo Hemmings, a behavioral psychologist, said, “Medical embarrassment has two distinct factors, self-consciousness at the condition and concern at being judged. It’s important to understand that medical professionals will have seen all these stigma conditions many times before, and they are also trained to be completely impartial and totally confidential.”

“We are perhaps most embarrassed by those conditions that involve personal hygiene like body odor or bad breath, or concerns ‘down there’ like erectile dysfunction, vaginal discharge or thrush. However, while many of these conditions are easily and swiftly treated, it can feel awkward both to visit your GP in the first instance and to collect prescriptions from your local pharmacy,” added Hemmings.

Other people might overhear if people talk about their issues with their doctor was one of the reasons given by many people who suffer in silence than seeking help.

The article was posted in Swindon Advertiser.

National Health Service (NHS) and Pharmacy2U GP Dr. NitinShori suggested that writing down the signs and symptoms before seeing a doctor would help people to seek treatment.